More Than 20 Dogs Have Been Found Dead In Hoder House

if we talk about animals then the most popular among the animals is the dogs among which most of the dogs are reared and take care of us so we have to take care of the dogs and today we have seen some such cruelty found which was very horrifying

if we look at it we have seen the most brutal thing which is not good at all yes a house was raided and you will be shocked to hear what was found there

let’s know more than 40 dogs have been found in a house in south California out of which 20 dogs were found dead and the dogs are alive some dogs are right from normal all the dogs are injured so that they have been charming if the doctor was taken to the doctor then the doctor also has a lot of fragile dog thinking

when the staff was asked the staff told me that neither food was given nor was it seen inside the room there were a lot of dogs so the deodorant died in the room nothing was kept clean because of which the sick would have passed away and all these were killed

when asked for more details I was told that the owner of the house left the house and the dogs without even taking care of them as if due to his carelessness 20 dogs were killed and many dogs were injured

the person who looked at the same case we are searching for the people who are searching for the same thing which is one of the most terrible ones this matter is very much like this in which doctors are complicated to tell we are helping ourselves from our side which will be able to do it but it is very difficult to avoid them

the same is to be investigated and it is being spoken about the investigation if you see that some of the matter is being viewed as cruelty of animals

if our caregiver we will not pay attention at the time of need these will be stupid things that should not be monitored

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